
Spraygrass® Hydraulically Applied Blankets provide 100% coverage that protect against heavy rain, wind and bird attack.

They range from Bonded Fibre Matrix, Stabilised Fibre Matrix to Flexible Growth Mediums, Hydraulically Applied Compost Blankets are created with specially formulated mulches consisting of Woodfibre, Straw, Compost and or Synthetic Fibres, Binders and other additives.

On many occasions there are sites where there is a lack of topsoil or soil that lacks trace elements and organic matter. Spraygrass® has developed a Hydrocompost Matrix which incorporates everything required for successful revegetation even in the toughest environments.

Hydraulically applied Blankets are generally applied at 4 to 6 tonne/ha.

For best results Spraygrass® recommends a Full Soil Chemistry test to determine if additional ameliorants are required which can be added to the mix or applied separately to the subsoil or topsoil.
